Examples of complex sentences for IELTS Writing Tasks 您所在的位置:网站首页 5 examples of complex sentences Examples of complex sentences for IELTS Writing Tasks

Examples of complex sentences for IELTS Writing Tasks

2023-02-13 11:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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In this episode, we talk to ex-IELTS examiner Robert about examples of complex sentences for IELTS writing tasks.

A sentence has one job above all others: to convey information. Its job is not to be clever. Its primary task is to present information and in your case, score points.

IELTS is a test of English and to show that you know how to use the language at a high level, then your written sentences should be sophisticated or complex. 

Listen to this episode and you will learn:

the three types of sentences and what they meanhow complex your sentences in writing tasks have to bea list of more complex structures in the English language to help improve your writinghow to write a complex sentence to score band 7 and above (step by step instructions)how examiners decide if your writing is simple or complexexamples of complex sentences to use in your exam

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